Category Archives: Life Lessons


Mastering the Mind: The Science of Mindfulness Meditation

Wee are continuing with the Mental Health Series: Reframing Your Thoughts. In this week’s installment, we’re delving deep into the science of mindfulness meditation – a practice that has the power to transform your mind and boost your mental well-being.

The Science Behind Mindfulness

Mindfulness meditation is not just a trendy practice; it’s backed by solid scientific research. Here’s what the science says:

  1. Brain Changes: Research published in the journal “Psychological Science” has shown that mindfulness meditation can lead to structural changes in the brain. It can increase gray matter in regions associated with memory, self-awareness, and compassion. This means that through mindfulness, you can literally reshape your brain for the better 
  2. Stress Reduction: Mindfulness meditation is a powerful stress-reduction tool. A study in “Health Psychology” found that it can significantly reduce perceived stress and enhance psychological well-being. By practicing mindfulness, you can learn to manage stress effectively 

How to Practice Mindfulness

Now that we’ve explored the science, let’s dive into how you can incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine:

  1. Start Small: You don’t need to meditate for hours. Begin with just a few minutes each day, gradually increasing the duration as you become more comfortable.
  2. Focus on Your Breath: Mindfulness often starts with focusing on your breath. Breathe deeply and mindfully, paying attention to each inhale and exhale.
  3. Guided Meditations: There are numerous apps and online resources that offer guided mindfulness meditations. They can be especially helpful for beginners.
  4. Consistency: The key to mindfulness is consistency. Make it a daily habit, and you’ll begin to notice its positive effects.

The Benefits of Mindfulness

  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Improved focus and concentration
  • Enhanced emotional well-being
  • Better self-awareness and self-regulation

So, if you want to master your mind and experience these incredible benefits, give mindfulness meditation a try. The science is on your side, and the practice is accessible to everyone. Remember, it’s not just about reading; it’s about taking action. Incorporate mindfulness into your life starting today, and watch as your mental well-being flourishes.


  1. Psychological Science – Meditation Study Explores Impact of Sitting Quietly
  2. Health Psychology – Perceived Stress Mediates the Effects of Mindfulness on Psychological Well-Being

Continued Blessings,


The Power Of Positive Thinking

Welcome Back!

Our journey to unlock the secrets of positive thinking and manifest your dreams continues. In this blog post, we will delve into the incredible power of positive thoughts and provide you with practical insights on how to harness this magic.

The Science Behind Positivity

Positive thinking isn’t just a feel-good concept; it’s rooted in science. Numerous scientific studies have shown that a positive mindset can lead to improved mental and physical health.  Positive thoughts trigger the release of feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, enhancing your mood and overall well-being. They also help reduce stress, boost your immune system, and increase your resilience in the face of challenges.

Now that we understand the science, let’s explore how to cultivate positive thoughts in our daily lives:

1. Practice Gratitude
Start each day by reflecting on the things you’re grateful for. This simple exercise can shift your focus toward positivity.

2. Affirmations
Use positive affirmations to challenge negative self-talk. Replace self-doubt with empowering statements to boost your confidence.

3. Surround Yourself with Positivity
Surrounding yourself with positive people and uplifting content can significantly impact your mindset. Consider curating your social media feeds with inspiring accounts.

Manifesting Your Dreams

Positive thinking isn’t just about feeling good; it’s a powerful tool for achieving your goals. When you maintain a positive mindset, you become more open to opportunities and solutions. You’ll find it easier to set clear goals, stay motivated, and take action to manifest your dreams.

Before I Leave You…

In Week 1, we’ve laid the foundation for our journey into positive thinking. Remember, positivity is not just a fleeting emotion; it’s a way of life that can transform your reality. Stay tuned for more insights, tips, and techniques in the coming weeks as we delve deeper into the art of positive thinking.

Do you know someone who could benefit from this post?! Share it with them. Follow blog for more info and resources.


  1. Scientific Study on the Impact of Positive Thinking 
  2. Positive Psychology and Health 

Continued Blessings,


Week 1: Unlocking the Potential of Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations have taken the self-help world by storm, promising to transform your life with the power of positivity. You might have heard about them before, but do they really work? In this blog post, we’re diving deep into the science behind positive affirmations and how you can use them to unlock your potential for a happier and more fulfilling life.

The Science of Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are short, positive statements you repeat to yourself regularly. These statements are designed to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. The idea is simple: by consistently affirming positive beliefs, you can rewire your subconscious mind and replace negativity with positivity.

But does it actually work? According to scientific research, the answer is a resounding yes. In a study published in the journal “Psychological Science,” researchers found that self-affirmation can significantly reduce stress and improve problem-solving under pressure. So, when life throws challenges your way, positive affirmations can be your secret weapon to stay cool, calm, and collected.

The Power of Neuroplasticity

To understand why positive affirmations are effective, let’s talk about neuroplasticity. Your brain is incredibly adaptable, and it can form new neural connections throughout your life. When you repeat positive affirmations, you’re essentially rewiring your brain to think positively.

Scientific American published an enlightening article on neuroplasticity, explaining how your brain’s ability to change can lead to lasting personal transformation. Positive affirmations leverage this incredible capacity of your brain to create a more positive mindset.

How to Use Positive Affirmations Effectively

Now that we’ve established the science behind positive affirmations, let’s explore how you can use them effectively in your daily life:

  1. Be Specific: Create affirmations that address specific areas of your life. For example, if you want to boost your self-confidence, your affirmation could be, “I am confident and capable in all that I do.”
  2. Repetition Is Key: Consistency is crucial. Repeat your affirmations daily, preferably in the morning or before bed.
  3. Believe in Them: To maximize their effectiveness, believe in the affirmations you’re saying. Visualize the positive changes they represent.
  4. Use the Present Tense: Phrase your affirmations in the present tense, as if they are already true. This helps your brain accept them as reality.
  5. Pair Affirmations with Action: Positive affirmations work best when combined with actions that align with your goals. Take steps toward your desired outcome while affirming your belief in yourself.

Before I Leave You….

Positive affirmations are not just a feel-good practice; they are rooted in science and can lead to tangible improvements in your life. By rewiring your brain with positive thoughts and beliefs, you can unlock your potential and achieve your goals with confidence.

Don’t just take our word for it; scientific studies support the power of positive affirmations. If you want to delve deeper into the subject, check out these two scientific articles for more insights:

  1. Psychological Science – Self-Affirmation Reduces Stress.
  2. Scientific American – How the Brain Rewires Itself

Start incorporating positive affirmations into your daily routine and witness the positive changes they can bring. It’s time to unlock your potential and embrace a more positive, empowered you.

Continued Blessings,

Building Your Life’s Blueprint: How Habits Shape Your Foundation.

Have you ever considered how our daily habits influence the structures of our lives? Frequently dismissed as mundane or insignificant, habits actually form the framework of our existence. They are the bricks in the construction of our life’s blueprint. Isn’t it fascinating how these regular, repeated behaviors can profoundly affect our lives?

This week, the invitation is to dive into how habits shape our life’s foundation, and create your own blueprint towards success in this comprehensive blog post.

The Link Between Habits and Life’s Foundation
Take a moment to ponder this statement: “We are what we frequently do.” This age-old wisdom encapsulates how our habits, whether beneficial or detrimental, shape our life’s foundation. The activities we consistently engage in inevitably seep into our neural pathways, molding our thoughts, actions, and ultimately, our destiny.

The Power of Good Habits
Good habits essentially sculpt our lives towards success. For instance, a habit of early rising could lead to increased productivity. Or a routine of regular exercise might result in improved health and well-being. Similarly, a habit of continuous learning can boost our knowledge and skills, furthering career growth. Therefore, adopting positive habits puts us on the path towards realizing our potential and achieving our goals. Did you know that productive habits like these could have such essential ramifications?

Turning Bad Habits Around
On the flip side, negative patterns can detrimentally impact our life’s blueprint. Over-indulgence, procrastination, or neglecting our health are few examples that can veer us off our desired life path. But here’s the beauty – it’s never too late to modify our habits and remodel our life’s architecture towards positivity and growth. Adjusting our habits is akin to reinforcing our life’s foundation with resilience and fortitude.

Sustainable Change Over Time
Understandably, shifting habits can be challenging. However, remember, sustainable change does not occur overnight. It takes time, patience, and persistence. Gradual, consistent steps towards good habits, will eventually lead to significant transformations in our life’s blueprint. Isn’t it amazing how such small changes can make a monumental difference?

Building your life’s blueprint can be an exciting yet challenging endeavor. Recognizing the power of habits, and harnessing them wisely can enable us to lay a solid foundation for the life we envision. It’s the daily practice of positive habits that gradually shapes our life’s blueprint to one of success and fulfillment.

If you are ready to implement effective and sustainable change over time, check out this ten week change maker course Here

To Your Success,

Overcoming Post Holiday Bues

The holidays are often a whirlwind of activity and emotion involving a busy schedule of shopping, school programs and get-togethers with friends and family. If you experience an emotional disappointment when the holidays pass, there are many things you can do to lift your mood and make it through the emotional let-down after the holidays. Taking some quality time for yourself during this period can lighten your mood immensely and ignite your excitement about the year ahead.

These strategies will boost your spirits and get your New Year off to a great start:

  1. Re-connect with an old friend. There’s something so wonderful about making that call you’ve wanted to make. Hearing your friend’s voice again will bring great joy to your heart. It might be a friend from the old neighborhood, a former college roommate or a past co-worker you were once great friends with.
  2. Take advantage of the extra time you now have for yourself. Since the holiday hullabaloo is over, you have some time to reflect. What do you like about your life? What would you like to change?
  3. Think about small goals you’d like to accomplish. Do you want to finally get that hall closet cleaned out? Maybe you can now complete that special project your boss has wanted you to do.

It’s a good time to make a list of all those little tasks you want to get done. Having the list will help you concentrate on your goals. Plus, it’s wonderful to draw a line through an achieved goal.

  1. Focus on you for a change. Now is the time to hone in on personal desires and goals. Perhaps you want to exercise more or spend more quality time with your children. Ponder how you might go about making the changes you seek. Think of taking little steps toward your big goals.
  2. Pursue an interest. We’ve all got those interests we hope to “get to” someday. Since you’ve got some down time now, why not go for it? Delve in to that subject you’ve been curious about or start the photography class you’ve longed to take.

If you’re not sure what you’re interested in, do some research. Visit your local library, browse some magazines or look in the newspaper. You’ll most likely find a couple of topics or activities you’d like to learn more about.

  1. Have a dinner party. You’ll have plenty of time to plan and prepare for this event with people you really care about. You’ll enjoy yourself and your mood will lift.
  2. Renew and refresh your surroundings. Do you feel like re-arranging the furniture in a room or two? Maybe you want to paint the walls or make new curtains. Re-decorating your surroundings is a wonderful way to go in to a new year and banish the holiday blues at the same time.

Re-focusing on your surroundings and thinking about any changes you want to make will help you de-focus from the doldrums. Taking some quality time for yourself during this period can lighten your mood immensely and ignite your excitement about the year ahead.

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To Your Success,

Returning The Gift of Holiday Weight Hain

Returning the gift of holiday weight gain can be a true challenge. This is why it’s important to avoid (if you can) getting a holiday weight package in the first place! There’s no benefit to approaching the New Year with a lot of extra weight that you have to lug around all year.

However, if you do gain a little weight, it’s a good idea to know and understand the measures that you can take to eliminate those extra pounds, before they become a problem. You can learn all about returning the gift of holiday weight gain in the tips below

Get Moving
One of the best ways that you can maintain your current weight through the holidays, or shed those extra pounds from your holiday blessing, is to exercise! You should strive to get at least four hours of exercise weekly. This may sound like a lot, but there are many exciting physical activities that will enable you to lose those unwanted pounds.

You can take a walk around the block to savor one last look at those Christmas decorations, go swimming in an indoor heated pool, or warm up in an aerobics or dance class. Go up and down the stairs a few times. When you’re done, your heart will surely be pumping! Learn some basic yoga moves and start or end your day with some deep stretching and relaxation.

Make Healthy Food Choices

During the holidays, fresh fruit assortments are a big hit and make eating healthy much easier. A good goal would be to eat five servings of fruits every day. When you snack on fruit, you’ll avoid the urge to sink your teeth into that hot apple pie and those other tempting desserts that tend to line tables and countertops when the holidays roll around.

In addition to fruits assortments, vegetable trays are a great, healthy choice as well.
With fresh fruits and vegetables, not only will you be able to eat plenty of foods that taste great, but you’ll also get your daily dose of essential nutrients and vitamins that assist in the many functions of the body.

It would be unreasonable to expect you to avoid all of the delightful foods that tempt you during the holidays. In fact, you shouldn’t deprive yourself at all! The key is to enjoy these sweet desserts in moderation. Fill up on the healthy fruits and vegetables first and then ask for a small serving of pie. You’ll get a sweet taste without the desire to devour the entire pie.

Try to limit yourself to just one treat a day. Setting limits will allow you to enjoy all those
seasonal foods that you love without causing holiday weight gain. Share your cookies and treats with those at your office, church, or homeless shelter. If the sweets tempt you too much at home, share them with others.

Party Etiquette
Prepare yourself for social gatherings, family dinners, and festive holiday parties. The foods and beverages that you find at these parties are generally loaded with fat and other unhealthy ingredients. Eat a healthy meal before going to holiday parties. If you’re not hungry, you’ll indulge in fewer unhealthy foods that can add pounds. 

Focus on enjoying the company rather than on the food. Engaging in conversation will allow you to forget (momentarily!) about the food buffet. During the holidays we all want to indulge in traditional holiday treats. Being conscious of portion control will help you avoid gaining a significant amount of weight this holiday season.

Returning the gift of holiday weight gain is much easier when it does not involve too many pounds. Using these tips will keep the weight gain to a minimum and help you to shed those few extra pounds that do materialize.

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To Your Success,

How To Provide A Bright Holiday For Children With Special Needs

Children love the holidays. They’re excited about the gifts they’ll get, and they enjoy seeing
family members and friends that they might not otherwise see very often at all. For children with special needs, celebrating the holidays can be harder. They often have limitations that are different than children around them.

To help make their holidays brighter, you can be the spark that helps warm their
hearts! Giving your time to these kids will bring a memorable holiday to both of you.
Try these tips to bring more holiday cheer to children with special needs:

1. Decide how much time you have to volunteer. Once you know how much time
you’re willing to give, for how long, and on what days, you’ll be better prepared to
offer what you have to companies, and organizations that help children who have
special needs.

2. Determine which charities and businesses you want to volunteer with. You
may want to just go where the greatest need is, but you may also have a special
preference for one or more organizations for whatever reason. No matter where you
go, your joy and enthusiasm will be an asset to children who need your love
and support over the holidays.

3. Talk to the charities you want to help. Find out what they really need from you.
Most of them need money, but your time and talents will also make a difference. Tell
them what you can do and see if they can find ways for you to help. Almost any
organization that helps children with special needs will take you.

4. Pay attention to what the children need. Once you’re working with the children,
take time to listen and watch. See what they want and need, instead of what you want to give them. Toys are great, but they might just want to play a game or have someone who will listen to them. What their special needs are will affect that.

5. Understand that not all children will take to you. Some people just like certain
people better than others. Don’t take it personally if you don’t bond with a child you’re
trying to help. Perhaps there are other children you can help, and someone else will
be a better fit for the child you don’t connect with. There are always options to help
others if you look.

6. Take time for yourself, too. Helping children with special needs is a wonderful
thing, but you need to take care of yourself so you can continue to help them. Ensure
you relax and enjoy your downtime. Don’t try to do too much or you may get
rundown and feel sluggish. Stay happy and rested, so you can be more helpful.

All children have a desire to be loved. It’s understandable if you find it difficult at times to work with children who have special needs. If you find that you’re struggling with your patience, take a little break and get some perspective on your life and theirs. That way, you can do more for them.

Keep in mind that the best and most important thing you can give these children
is your time and love. They can take great joy from just being able to have someone
there. Even if you feel awkward and unsure about how to act, just be yourself. Children can
sense when you’re sincere, so just give them the love that’s in your heart. You’ll be glad you did!

If you found this post helpful, please comment below, like, share and follow my blog for more tips at doing life!

To Your Success,

A Guide to Living Sober, Happy Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time for family, friends, and fun. But for many people, it’s also a time of stress and anxiety. If you’re in recovery from alcoholism or drug addiction

You may look forward to decorating the tree and baking sugar cookies. Then, you remember crowded shopping malls and family dinners with distant relatives asking you about your childbearing plans. You may also wonder how you’ll handle annual rituals that usually involve rum punch and champagne.

Learn how to celebrate the holidays without risking your recovery.  Follow these tips for staying peaceful and sober, starting with Thanksgiving and continuing into the New Year.

Minimizing Holiday Stress:

  1. Anticipate triggers. Plan ahead for situations that may tempt you to drink. You’re more likely to make sound decisions if you avoid getting caught by surprise. Be prepared for social pressure and strong emotions.
  2. Watch your budget. Marathon shopping and credit card bills can cause financial strain. Figure out how much you can spend on entertaining, and gifts. Live within your limits.
  3. Enjoy nature. Set aside time for outdoor fun like ice skating and sledding. Go for a brisk walk and admire the snow.
  4. Work out. Physical activity is a great way to relax and burn off extra calories. Give yourself an early present of online fitness classes.
  5. Sleep well. You’re calmer and more resilient when your mind and body get adequate sleep. Stick to your regular bedtime. Turn off the TV and other devices at least 2 hours before retiring.
  6. Eat healthy. Proper nutrition provides energy and a sense of overall wellness. Plan your meals and snacks, so you get plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean protein. If you love holiday treats like candy and pie, limit the serving sizes.
  7. Take a trip. A change of scenery might help. Treat yourself to a holiday vacation that will allow you to feel pampered and avoid situations that may be too demanding at this stage in your recovery.
  8. Attend extra meetings. If programs like AA have become part of your regular routine, check the calendar to find additional meetings and events to help you through the holiday season. 

Managing Holiday Socializing:

  1. Create new traditions. Be creative. Invent new holiday activities if your old ones revolved around drinking. Pancake breakfast instead of a boozy brunch. Replace bar hopping with volunteer work.
  2. Be selective. A lighter schedule may help you feel more balanced. Pick the parties and events that are the highest priorities for you. Graciously turn down invitations to gatherings that could be too awkward.
  3. Snack wisely. An empty stomach can sabotage your willpower. Eat some bread and cheese or a handful of nuts before going out for the evening.
  4. Stay hydrated. There are plenty of nonalcoholic beverages you can still enjoy. In addition to plain water or juice, explore recipes for fancy mocktails with ingredients like star anise, muddled berries, and cinnamon.
  5. Help out. Shifting your attention to others is a great way to distract yourself from alcohol cravings or any feelings of self-consciousness. 
  6. Leave early. Alcohol often flows more freely later in the night. If you prefer a quieter experience, be among the first to arrive and depart.

Be merry and sober this holiday season. The occasions you celebrate without alcohol may wind up being more meaningful and memorable. Next up, getting through the holidays, after losing a loved one.

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To Your Success,


How To Survive Holiday Travel

The holidays are a hectic time for many people. Between work, family, and social obligations, it can be hard to find time to relax. If you’re planning on traveling for the holidays, there are a few things you can do to make the process less stressful.

    • Plan holiday travel itineraries in advance
    • Travel during off-peak hours 
    • Start out well rested 
    • Build in extra money to your travel budget in case of emergencies
    • Arrive at the airport or other station early to more easily take care of last minute challenges 
    • Expect to run into snags
    • Pack light and carry on your bag, rather than checking it 
    • Allow extra time to travel from place to place and expect heavy traffic 
    • Send your gifts in advance or take gift cards
    • Limit alcohol and caffeine
    • Pack plenty of healthy snacks that travel well without refrigeration
    • Bring plenty of things to keep the kids happily occupied
    • Make waiting times go faster and regain a happy holiday feeling by meditating
    •  Use portable meditation props, like a favorite image on your smart phone or tablet
    • Plan to arrive at your holiday destination rested and excited to share your holidays with loved ones

Meditation Tips For Holiday Travel

  • Sit up straight and relax your shoulders
  • Let distracting thoughts dissolve away as you focus on deep breathing
  • Think about your destination and the loved ones you’ll be visiting 
  • Remember that you’re surrounded by people making similar plans – just like you 
  • Once you’re feeling relaxed and happy, let go of the details and enjoy that warm feeling 
  • Imagine wrapping up those good feelings and presenting them to everyone around you 
  • Gradually return your attention to the present moment 
  • Remind yourself of the fellowship you felt while meditating

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To Your Success,



Tis The Season To Be Relaxed?! Follow These Tips

The holidays are comingT he holiday season is a time for joy, but it can also be a time of stress. If you’re struggling to keep up with the demands of the holidays, there are some things you can do to make it less stressful. If in years gone by, stress has taken the fun out of this wonderful time of the year, then I say, it’s time to put the “jolly” back in your holidays, and create cherished holiday memories with these proven strategies.

  • Acknowledge that everything doesn’t need to be perfect
  • Start holiday planning and preparations earlier
  • Simplify wherever you can when planning and holding festive celebrations
  • Stick to your budget
  • Scale down your holiday plans 
  • Ponder what you really want to do to celebrate the holidays
  • Talk with family members and friends about what they want to do
  • Plan celebrations that express what the holidays truly mean for you
  • Identify old family traditions. Which ones do you love?
  • Opt to keep holiday traditions that bring you joy and happiness
  • Give yourself permission to let go of old traditions that you aren’t fond of
  • Establish start and stop times for parties
  • Take shortcuts like buying pre-made pies to save time
  • Examine options for pre-made meals or catering services
  • Promptly ask for help when you need it
  • Inform all prospective attendees of your holiday plans in advance
  • Discuss challenging issues in advance with a person who tends to create tension 
  • Use place cards to assign seating in efforts to avoid tension-filled holiday gatherings
  • Short-circuit disagreeable family discussions by interrupting or changing the subject
  • Make a gift list, considering the amount of money you can comfortably spend
  • Cut down your gift list 
  • Shop early and make notes about where to get low-cost gifts
  • Ask for gift suggestions from the people on your gift list
  • Consider giving gift cards to save time and precious energy
  • Suggest a family name-drawing to reduce gift expenditures
  • Reduce the amount of money you spend overall for the holidays and per gift
  • Avoid making credit card purchases at holiday time
  • Think about making homemade food gifts to save dollars at holiday time
  • Shop early and place gifts in a gift drawer so you’ll be ready for the holidays
  • Schedule time to be with your kids for some special holiday moments
  • Keep the kids busy with holiday crafts. They’ll enjoy it and you can get more done.
  • Take time daily to meditate, even if only for a few minutes

Don’t let the stress of the holidays, ruin what should be a happy, joyful time. Use these tips,  share them with your perpetually stressed out friend/loved one. Follow blog!

If you are planning to travel to spend it with family or friends, then I have not forgotten you! Come back and check it out!

To Your Success,